Shriya Saran is currently doing a female-centric, multi-lingual film titled 'Gamanam'. Helmed by Sujana Rao, the film is a realistic drama that will release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and...Continue reading
Gautamiputra Satakarni, Balakrishna’s 100th film is progressing briskly in Madhya Pradesh. The first song of the film composed by Chirantan Bhatt and penned by Sirivennela was shot recently at a pa...Continue reading
Shriya Saran plays the Satakarni’s queen in the film Gauthamiputra Satakarni. The film is gearing up for a grand release on 12th January. The actress is on a high and is waiting for the film to com...Continue reading
First Nayanatara was considered for this role. The Anushka Shetty’s name was doing rounds. But so far there is no clarity about who will be Gauthamiputra Satakarni’s queen. Since Nayanatara and Anu...Continue reading
Janardhan Maharshi’s ‘Pavithra’ starring Shriya in title role has completed the shooting part except for two songs. K Saadak Kumar and G Sai Maheshwara Reddy are jointly producing the film with a ...Continue reading
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