Deepika Padukone, the star actress, is all set to play a dacoit queen in a Sanjay Leela Bhansali movie. Reports say that the film is titled 'Baiju Bawra'. Bhansali, the star director, is cur...Continue reading
"How the heck is this guy 57?! How can anyone get that strong and fit at that age without keeling over with a heart attack? Especially a lifelong smoker like him," Nikhil Mehra wondered soon after ...Continue reading
A new hairstyle for superstar Rajnikanth, who recently participated in a photo session for his upcoming film, ‘Rana’. Yes! The 60 year actor is going to sport a new look with a new hairstyle and n...Continue reading
Young Rebel Star Prabhas, who is currently shooting for sci-fi thriller ‘Saaho’ with director Sujeeth, might soon start his next film with director Radha Krishna. According to the repor...Continue reading
Vyjayanthi Movies has locked the release date of 'Kalki 2898 AD'. The sci-fi project, starring Prabhas in the lead role, will head to theatres on May 9 this year. "The story that ended 6000 years a...Continue reading
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