Charita Chitra’s ‘Prathighatana’ featuring Charmi in central role, which is being directed and produced by Tammareddy Bharadwaja has successfully completed the shooting part. M M Keeravani and cam...Continue reading
Rahul, Charmi and Saranya starring 'Prema Oka Maikam’ which is being directed by 'Tenth Class', 'Notebook' fame Chandu under Touring Talkies Banner is expected to hit theaters soon. The film un...Continue reading
'Maar Muntha Chod Chinta' is the title of the latest song from 'Double iSmart'. Now, this one is similar to 'Dimaak Kharaab' from 'iSmart Shankar' in a lot of ways. The side dancers crowding the am...Continue reading
'Liger', coming with the caption 'Saala Crossbreed', has resumed its shoot in Goa. Dynamic director Puri Jagannadh will be mounting high-octane action sequences, besides conversational scenes...Continue reading
Charmee has been in a relationship that has gone wrong. The actress says that she does not want ever to get married. She is independent and is loving every bit of it. Why get a stranger in to it an...Continue reading
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