Title ‘Yamudu’ has been registered at Film Chamber of Commerce for Allari Naresh’s socio-fantasy film. E Satti Babu is wielding the megaphone for this film which is being produced by Chanti Addala...Continue reading
Fantasy thriller ‘Rakshaka Bhatudu’ has completed censor formality and is all set to release on April 7. Richa Panai, Baahubali Prabhakar, Prudhvi, Sapthagiri and Brahmaji as the lead c...Continue reading
Sunil starrer ‘Edu Gold Ehe’ has been censored by the CBFC. The film has been given a UA certification. Directed by Veeru Potla, Edu Gold Ehe has Richa Panai and Sushma Raj as its leading woman. Th...Continue reading
Censor formalities related to ‘Rakshaka Bhatudu’ have been completed and the film is all set to hit screens in the first week of May. Richa Panai, Baahubali Prabhakar, Prudhvi, Sapthagi...Continue reading
Allari Naresh and Richa Panai starrer ‘Yamudiki Mogudu’ has successfully completed its shooting part in Switzerland with a song shoot on Naresh and Richa Panai under the choreography of dance maste...Continue reading
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