Anushka Shetty is not signing any film that is coming her way. She is very careful about the kind of films that she is doing. Her next film will be Nishabdam. Anushka Shetty just does not want to s...Continue reading
Anushka Shetty is one of the most sought after actresses in South India. We all know that she gained a lot of weight for her role in the film ‘Size Zero’. Post that, she worked a lot to...Continue reading
The other day, the glimpse video of 'Ghaati' featured Anushka Shetty in the role of a ferocious killer. The heroine, who is also the film's 'hero', chops the head of a beastly villain, and proceeds...Continue reading
Anushka Shetty has not signed any new films. We have not seen much onscreen lately. This is because she is in Norway and working on reducing her weight. Rumour is that Anushka Shetty will be gettin...Continue reading
We have not seen Anushka Shetty in 2018. She was undergoing weight loss treatment in Europe. Anushka has now lost loads of weight and is fit and fab. She is back signing movies. Her next film has b...Continue reading
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