'Telisinavaallu' is an upcoming dark thriller produced by Syringe Cinema. Director Viplove Koneti is making this "genre-bending movie" as a family drama and mystery. As the teaser begins, we see t...Continue reading
The first look of ’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles was released on the occasion of International Kissing Day on June 6th. The poster also shared an upda...Continue reading
The teaser of ’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles was released recently by actress Ileana D’Cruz on social media on the occasion of International Kis...Continue reading
Actor Chetan Maddineni turns a year older this Sunday. He has been around for the past six years. It was in 2016 that the youngster made his acting debut with 'Rojulu Maarayi'. 'Gulf', 'Beach Road ...Continue reading
Makers of Young hero Naga Anvesh, Beauty Queen Heba Patel starrer ‘Angel’ are making preparations to release the film on May 19 as summer treat. This romantic comedy socio fantasy enter...Continue reading
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