Manchu Entertainments’ ‘Gundello Godari’ is a bilingual film directed by Kumar Nagendra and produced by Lakshmi Prasanna Manchu in Telugu and Tamil. The film stars Aadi Pinisetty, Sandeep Kish...Continue reading
Budugu is an intense and engaging family thriller written and directed by Manmohan. Based on real life incidents, the film depict some mysterious and shocking things that happen in the life of ...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj is presently busy shooting for his bilingual film ‘Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ which is being produced by his sister Lakshmi Manchu. Sekhar Raja is wielding this mega phone. The f...Continue reading
This Diwali will be be filled with Dhamaka for Telugu film lovers. Lakshmi Manchu starrer Lakshmi Bomb is aiming to release on the festive occasion of Diwali. The shooting of the film is it the la...Continue reading
The audio of ‘Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ has further been postponed from 26th. Earlier the audio was supposed to release on May 18th, but got postponed to 26th and today, producer Lakshmi Pras...Continue reading
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