A Malayalam film titled 'Bandra' was released in theatres in 2023. The action drama film, directed by Arun Gopy and produced by Vinayaka Ajith, starred Dileep in the lead. Soon after the movie's re...Continue reading
Tamannaah is going to play a Kabaddi coach in her next, starring Gopichand in the lead. This movie will be directed by Sampath Nandi, who earlier directed Tamannaah in movies like 'Racha' and 'Beng...Continue reading
'F3', starring Venkatesh and Varun Tej, is directed by Anil Ravipudi. The film is slated to head to theatres on April 28. The news is that the comedy entertainer has completed its talkie part. Jus...Continue reading
We all know that king Nagarjuna will be sharing the screen space with Tamil actor Karthi in an upcoming bi-lingual film. The yet to be titled film will have only one heroine and the hunt for the su...Continue reading
‘Oopiri’ is the film with the great combination of King Nagarjuna, Karthi and Milky Beauty Tamanna. This Telugu Tamil bilingual film is being produced by prominent producer Prasad V Potluri and Kav...Continue reading
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