The pandemic completely paralyzed the Indian film industry in the year 2020. In 2021, Tollywood was the only major film industry that minted movie releases throughout the year (barring May, June an...Continue reading
As mentioned earlier Nayantara is pairing up with Gopichand in his new untitled film which is being produced by Thandra Ramesh under Jaya Balaji Real Media banner. The news has been confirmed by t...Continue reading
'Pakka Commercial', written and directed by Maruthi, features Gopichand as a lawyer. Also starring Raashi Khanna as the heroine, the film was released in theatres on Friday. The comedy entertainer...Continue reading
Ahead of the theatrical release of 'Seetimaarr' on April 2, a mass folk song from the movie was released. Titled 'Jwala Reddy', the Telangana folk song is about Tamannaah Bhatia's character. Ram Po...Continue reading
Though many expected that the release of 'Chanakya' would be postponed after the blockbuster response to 'Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy', the makers of the Gopichand starrer are hellbent on releasing the...Continue reading
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