'iSmart Shankar', which has Ram Pothineni as its leading man and will be directed by Puri Jagganadh was launched today officially. The regular shoot of the film will start from tomorrow in Hyderaba...Continue reading
Charmee is upset with the way questioning is being carried out in the drug scandal. Firstly she claims that she is innocent and wrongly dragged into this. Charmme is yet to meet the SIT officials....Continue reading
“Dev “ Starring Charmee is getting ready for release, The Film is having the audio launch on September 10th. Diganth one of the most popular Star of Kananda makes his debut in telugu with this ...Continue reading
‘iSmart Shankar’ starring Ram Pothineni, Nidhhi Agerwal and Nabha Natesh in the lead roles, has completed the shooting and the makers have broken the Ash Gourd (Gummadikaya) and signed ...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni is a happy man. He might not have expected that his film 'iSmart Shankar', would become such a huge hit. This film has become a huge boon for Puri Jagannadh as well. Puri's career wa...Continue reading
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