Nandamuri Natasimha Balakrishna’s prestigious film ‘Legend’ is rewriting its records. The film will created yet another record by completing its 365 days successful run on March 28. The prestigious...Continue reading
Marathi beauty Radhika Apte of ‘Legend’ and ‘Lion’ fame and ‘Rangam’ fame Ajmal Ameer starrer a sensational hit Tamil film is being brought to the Telugu audience as ‘Today’ by Srinivas Damodar, wh...Continue reading
The audio launch of Telugu version of Kabali will happen tomorrow in Hyderabad. But Rajinikanth will not be attending it. Rest of the crew will be there. Rumours have been saying that superstar Raj...Continue reading
Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna’s huge budget action entertainer ‘Lion’ has completed all formalities and is all set to hit screens on May 1, as May Day treat. Trisha is paring up with Balakris...Continue reading
Radhika Apte has accepted the #PadManChallenge, sharing on social media a photo in which she holds up a sanitary pad. Just now Radhika Apte tweeted, "Yes, that’s a Pad in my hand & there&...Continue reading
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