Hansika Motwani tied the knot with her friend Sohael Khaturiya on December 4 last year. The wedding was a grand affair, complete with 'dhoom dham' involving relatives, guests, wedding planners, and...Continue reading
105 Minutes' is an upcoming single-shot movie featuring just one character. Starring Hansika Motwani as the heroine, the film was shot in real-time earlier this year. The news is that a short video...Continue reading
Siddharth and Hansika pair is going to sizzle on silver screen once again. After sharing the screen space in ‘Oh My Friend’, the duo is now going to work for Sundar C’s (Khushboo’s husband) film. ...Continue reading
'105 Minutes' is an upcoming single-shot movie with just one character. Starring Hansika Motwani as the heroine, the film was shot in real-time. The news is that the experimental movie is gearing u...Continue reading
Hansika Motwani who entered the movie industry at an early age gained so much popularity in the south. Now that the actress is all set to entertain the audience with her upcoming movie titled 'My n...Continue reading
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