Recently, director Sampath Nandi nominated actress Bhumika Chawla for the Green India Challenge and the 'Simhadari' actress has taken it up. She planted three saplings at her residence along ...Continue reading
Bhoomika and Jagapathi Babu starrer ‘April Fool’ shooting is almost complete except for a song. The film also features Bollywood actor Gulshan Grover in vital role. Krishnaswamy Srikanth is direc...Continue reading
She ruled the roost a decade ago. Bhumika is now back with MCA. She plays the role of Nani's Vadina in the film. Many years ago, Bhumika paired with tops stars Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan and NTR Jr....Continue reading
Sumanth Aswin, Srikanth, Bhumika Chawla, Tanya Hoop as the main leads, the movie Idhe Maa Katha is being made. Road Journey is the main theme of the story, the movie is being directed by Guru Pawan...Continue reading
In the wake of the rumour that she will be seen in the next season of Bigg Boss, Bhumika Chawla has stated that she won't be a part of the reality show. Calling out the fake news, the 'Kushi' and '...Continue reading
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