Victory Venkatesh’s forthcoming racy flick ‘Shadow’, directed by Meher Ramesh featuring an ensemble cast of Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee, Madhurima, Aditya Pancholi, Nagababu, M S Narayana, Jayapra...Continue reading
Hemanth Madhukar who recently directed ‘Vastadu Naa Raju’ featuring Vishnu and Taapsee in the lead is now venturing into a Bollywood flick titled ‘Mumbai 125 KM’ in 3 D format with high technical a...Continue reading
'Mishan Impossible' is hitting the cinemas on April 1. Its US premiers are scheduled to happen on March 31. The reputed overseas distribution house Nirvana Cinemas is releasing the comedy caper in ...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu, who carved a special niche for herself in the hearts of Telugu audience with some noteworthy film, has reduced her Telugu projects from some time. Now, the actress is returning to To...Continue reading
Ravi Teja and Taapsee starrer ‘Daruvu’ which is taking shape under Siva’s direction is in the final stage of shooting. Burugupalli Sivaramakrishna is producing the flick on Sri Venkateswara Entert...Continue reading
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