Victory Venkatesh’s forthcoming racy flick ‘Shadow’, directed by Meher Ramesh featuring an ensemble cast of Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee, Madhurima, Aditya Pancholi, Nagababu, M S Narayana, Jayapra...Continue reading
Venkatesh, Taapsee and Srikanth starrer ‘Shadow’ which is taking shape in the hands of director Meher Ramesh has reached the final leg of shooting. The last shooting schedule began today. Parac...Continue reading
Telugu moviegoers may have to face a longer than expected wait for Gopichand’s action adventure ‘Saahasam’ to blast its way into theaters as the movie release date has been postponed once again fro...Continue reading
Taapsee stunned everyone with her performance in Bollywood flick Pink. Though she played such intense characters she does not negate the songs in Bollywood and South film industry, which showcases ...Continue reading
Bollywood is in utter doldrums. Everyone is talking about the scale of Ranbir Kapoor's ginormous flop, 'Shamshera'. Disasters featuring male superstars attract everyone's attention. But how about d...Continue reading
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