Ten days after the title track of 'Kushi' was released, Vijay Deverakonda on Monday made the trailer release date of the film official. The trailer, whose running time is about 161 seconds, will b...Continue reading
Samantha plays the role of a twenty year old in Oh Baby. That is her next film, which will be releasing in July. There have been rumours that Samantha will quit acting as she is married now and wan...Continue reading
NTR and Samantha just completed 1st day shooting for a duet number for their upcoming movie under Harish Shankar’s direction. NTR is known for his graceful dance moves, therefore Harish promises N...Continue reading
Actor Vishal had decided to simultaneously work on Thupparivalan and Irumbu Thirai, which was supposed to release by last yearend and another one by Pongal 2017. But with his heavy involvement over...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni, who turned into an entrepreneur with the launch of her own clothing label 'Saaki World' announces that her business is now expanded to 15 countries worldwide. Saaki is an Indian...Continue reading
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