Madhavan and Anushka are paired for the upcoming film under the direction of Kona Venkat. The film touted to be a silent thriller and is titled as ‘Silent’ under People Media Factory di...Continue reading
Vikram-Anushka starrer ‘Thandavam’ is a Tamil flick which is also being dubbed in Telugu simultaneously. Directed by Vijay (director of Naanna), ‘Thandavam’ is a very high budgeted film produced u...Continue reading
'Arundhati' was released in theatres on this date (January 16) in 2009. On Tuesday, Anushka Shetty took to social media to say that her character, Jejamma, gave her a special place in the hearts of...Continue reading
Few days ago there was news that Richa Gangopadhyay of ‘Leader’ fame has signed for Prabhas’s new film which is going to be directed by Koratala Shiva. We have also mentioned that the makers are s...Continue reading
Jagapathi Babu was seen in a negative role in 'Guntur Kaaram'. The Sankranthi release turned out to be a box-office flop. He was also seen in Vijay Deverakonda's 'The Family Star' as the heroine's ...Continue reading
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