'Puli-Meka' is the title of an upcoming Zee5 web series starring Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saikumar and Suman in key roles. Directed by K Chakravarthy Reddy, the series is a crime thriller. The launch...Continue reading
'Korameenu' stars Anand Ravi as an underdog who represents the good. Harish Uthaman plays a gutsy police officer, while Shatru is Meesala Raju, who probably represents evil. Helmed by Sripathy Karr...Continue reading
'Puli-Meka' started streaming on ZEE5 on February 23. The eight-episode series stars Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saikumar, Goparaju Ramana, Siri Hanmanth, Raja Chembolu and Noel Sean. A key feature of ...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna has become real Pongal king of this season at USA Box-office. It just started with a $50,000 premiere shows and with unanimous mouth talk it’s heading towards a blockbuster with very...Continue reading
Mega Prince Varun Tej has teamed up with director Sankalp Reddy of ‘Ghazi’ fame for a space drama. The shooting of the film has so far wrapped up two schedules and the next would begin ...Continue reading
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