The pandemic completely paralyzed the Indian film industry in the year 2020. In 2021, Tollywood was the only major film industry that minted movie releases throughout the year (barring May, June an...Continue reading
Final schedule of Allu Sirish and Lavanya Tripati’s family entertainer ‘Srirasthu Subhamastu’ will take place at most beautiful visuals like Kashmir and with this the entire shoot of the film will ...Continue reading
Arjun Suravaram staring Nikhil Siddharth has been postponed once again. The actor was all set to commence the promotions of the film. Arjun Suravaram was to release last year, but for many reasons ...Continue reading
Young hero Allu Sirish who is picking different subjects has teamed up with Lavanya Tripathi for a pure family entertainer film Shrirasthu Shubhamasthu being helmed by Parasuram (Bujji), known for ...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati's stars are shinning bright. She is has been signing films and is happy about it. Thanks to Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and Soggade Chinni Nayana, Lavanya's career is doing well. She has ...Continue reading
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