P Samudrakarani, who directed a super hit film like ‘Shambo Siva Shambo’ in Tamil, is now directing a Tamil film titled ‘Porali’ featuring Allari Naresh and Sashi Kumar as males lead and Swathi, Va...Continue reading
Satya is the title of a short film led by Sai Durgha Tej and Swathi Reddy. Hanshitha and Harshith Reddy have produced this one on Dil Raju Productions. The news is that the acclaimed short is in t...Continue reading
Sky High Movies Inc., an upcoming distributor in overseas, proudly announces that they have acquired the Entire overseas theatrical rights of Swathi’s upcoming horror, thriller, entertainer film ‘T...Continue reading
The title poster of an upcoming movie featuring legendary comedian Brahmanandam, 'Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo' villain Samuthirakani, 'Colours' Swathi Reddy, Shivathmika Rajasekhar, and the Rahul Vija...Continue reading
Duo Nikhil and Swathi who worked together in 'Swamy Ra Ra' paired up for ‘Karthikeya’. The movie is being directed by Chandu Mondeti and produced by Venkata Srinivas Boggaram. Magnus Cine Prime...Continue reading
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