The duo Nikil and Swathi, who earlier worked together in 'Swami Ra Ra', paired up again for ‘Karthikeya’. This movie is being directed by Chandu Mondeti, produced by Venkata Srinivas Boggaram a...Continue reading
Raj Pippala’s romantic crime story ‘Bangaru Kodipetta’ starring Navdeep and Swathi was made on comedy backdrop on Guru Films’s banner. The film starts off with a point where three different storie...Continue reading
Young hero Nikhil and Swathi starrer ‘Karthikeya’ which was released on 24th of October had grand openings and is running successfully with a hit talk. It will now successfully reach 50 days milest...Continue reading
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Colors Swathi's recent release was 'London Babulu'. She has not been seen much in Tollywood recently. Fact is that she has no films wither in Telugu or Tamil. But in London Babulo she had got a goo...Continue reading
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