Victory Venkatesh’s forthcoming racy flick ‘Shadow’, directed by Meher Ramesh featuring an ensemble cast of Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee, Madhurima, Aditya Pancholi, Nagababu, M S Narayana, Jayapra...Continue reading
Jeeva, Taapsee starrer ‘Vachadu Gelichadu’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil film ‘Vandhan Vendran’ directed by R Kiran. The film has completed all its post production works and is ready for...Continue reading
Tapsee Pannu starrer Hindi film ‘Pink’ is gearing up for a grand release on September 16. This movie also has Bollywood’s actor Amitabh Bachchan playing an important role as an advocate. Speaking a...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu, who carved a special niche for herself in the hearts of Telugu audience with some noteworthy film, has reduced her Telugu projects from some time. Now, the actress is returning to To...Continue reading
Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee and Aditya Pancholi starrer ‘Shadow’ is currently progressing in Switzerland. Director Mehar Ramesh is planning to shoot two songs on Venkatesh and Taapsee under Raju ...Continue reading
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