Budugu is an intense and engaging family thriller written and directed by Manmohan. Based on real life incidents, the film depict some mysterious and shocking things that happen in the life of ...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu’s upcoming film ‘Lakshmi Bomb’s trailer was unveiled last night. The audio album of the film was also released last night. Surprisingly the trailer looks amazing. The plot seems to b...Continue reading
Balakrishna and Manchu Manoj starrer ‘Uu Kodatara Ulikki Padatara’ is being made by Lakshmi Prasanna. 50% of the shooting has been completed. The same movie is now being remade in Tamil. The Tam...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu has been silent for a while. She does not have many plush projects in hand. There is a movie ‘Lakshmi Bomb’, which has not made much noise. Lakshmi Manchu has also not go...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu turned a year older the other day. The actress, producer and TV show host made it a point to celebrate the special occasion with fifty school-going kids. As the Chairperson of the T...Continue reading
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