Om Namo Venkatesaya directed by K Raghavendra Rao was censored by the Censor Board. The film was given a clean U certificate. Staring Nagarjuna, Anushka Shetty, Pragya Jaiswal and Saurabh Jain, th...Continue reading
Baahubali -The Conclusion is an outstanding film. Rajamouli deserves all the accolades for creating a wonder like Baahubali. Hats off to the creator for letting Telugu cinema grow by leaps and boun...Continue reading
PVP Cinema's Varna is generating immense buzz before its release. A huge cutout of Anushka in her Varna warrior get up has been erected in front of Shilpa Kala Vedika and it is grabbing the atte...Continue reading
Anushka Shetty enthralled everyone with her performance in Baahubali 2. Her svelte figure was a feast to eyes. But this figure was a result of digital correction and Baahubali 2's director Rajamoul...Continue reading
Anushka is one of the top heroines who is pretty much busy in Telugu and Tamil. According to Chennai reports Anushka has right now five films in her kitty. Apart from Karthi’s ‘Saguni’ in which s...Continue reading
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