The super stylish stills of Victory Venkatesh from his upcoming film ‘Shadow’ were released yesterday. It’s an action thriller on mafia backdrop being directed by Meher Ramesh. The teaser and som...Continue reading
'BAAK', a horror-comedy directed by Sundar C, stars Tamannaah Bhatia, Raashi Khanna, Sundar C and others. Its Telugu theatrical release was backed by Asian Cinemas and Suresh Productions. In Tamil,...Continue reading
Audio of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s energetic film ‘Bengal Tiger’ composed by Bheems, will be released on October 18, in the presence of Ravi Teja’s fans. Bheems has provided the musical scores. Mea...Continue reading
Venkatesh, Varuj Tej, Tamannah Bhatia, and Mehreen Pirzada starrer 'F3' will hit the cinemas on May 27. Its promotions have been carried out in earnest even though the release date is several weeks...Continue reading
Venkatesh and Varun Tej starrer F2 has completed its shooting. Except for a song the entire shoot of the film is wrapped. Team F2 will commence its promotional activity very soon. The makers have ...Continue reading
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