Hindi movie 'Yodha' was released in theatres today. Helmed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, the thriller stars Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, Disha Patani, Ronit Roy and Tanuj Virwani in lead r...Continue reading
NTR's film under the direction of Bobby is moving at a fast pace. The shooting is going on in Ramoji Film City. NTR has dropped several kilos to look suave in this film. He will be seen as Lava Kum...Continue reading
Raashi Khanna has mastered the Telugu language. She is able to converse in this language very well. The actress has learnt the language and is saying her dialogues. She has started dubbing for her ...Continue reading
Dil Raju was not confident that Raashi Khanna was the apt choice for 'Tholi Prema'. She is a mass heroine and would not be the right fit for the film. This was what many felt when Tholi Prema relea...Continue reading
Sri Sravanthi Movies, in association with KTM is proud to present #meetshivamteam ! Win a chance to meet the Shivam team in three cities ! Here's a chance to meet the stars of the movie '...Continue reading
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