‘The Decision’ a Lakshmi Manchu starrer short film, written and directed by Srinu Pandranki. Set in Washington, It is a 21 minute short film which narrates the story of a young woman wh...Continue reading
Deeksha character portrayed by Lakshmi Manchu in Wife Of Ram represents every woman in the modern society at certain level. Hence, the characterization and her body language has been designed to re...Continue reading
‘Uu Kodathara? Ulikki Padathara?” is one of the most hyped films of the year and it’s now just few hours away from being released worldwide. Now the fans and audience will decide how the movie ho...Continue reading
The audio of ‘Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ has further been postponed from 26th. Earlier the audio was supposed to release on May 18th, but got postponed to 26th and today, producer Lakshmi Pras...Continue reading
As you are aware the UKUP prints have already been shipped to USA, UK, Dubai, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. The film is all set to hit theaters worldwide tomorrow. Cool ...Continue reading
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