Taapsee Pannu is joining hands with Y Not Studios and Reliance Entertainment for a Telugu-Tamil bilingual film titled ‘Game Over’. The film will be directed by Ashwin Saravana, who made...Continue reading
Jeeva, Taapsee starrer ‘Vachadu Gelichadu’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil film ‘Vandhan Vendran’ directed by R Kiran. The film has completed all its post production works and is ready for...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu, the bubbly heroine with cute dimples, is stepping in to Hollywood world, not to act but to dub for the female lead in ‘Riddick’. Yes, this Vin Diesel, Jordi Molla, Matt Nable and Ka...Continue reading
Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna’s ‘Gundello Godari’ is an upcoming bilingual film directed by Kumar Nagendra on Manchu Entertainment banner. The film which is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil...Continue reading
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu recently engaged in a social media chat with her fans. During the session, the multi-lingual actress was candidly asked about her thoughts on marriage. What she sai...Continue reading
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