'Back Door', directed by Balaji, has received wishes from YCP Congress Party leader YS Sharmila. Releasing a song from the movie in Hyderabad, she wished its director all the best. The makers than...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda's first movie as a male lead was 'Pelli Choopulu'. He played the secondary male lead in 'Yevade Subrahmanyam', which happened a year before 'Pelli Choopulu'. Before both these mov...Continue reading
'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun in the lead, recently started streaming on Amazon Prime. It's learned that the thriller is doing well ever since it was released on OTT. "I am receiving phone call...Continue reading
'Back Door', starring Poorna and Teja Tripurana, is directed by Karri Balaji. After completing the post-production works, the film is gearing up to be released soon. Recently, the film was given a ...Continue reading
It’s not that easy to make a historical fantasy film by balancing visual show and thrilling subject. In fact, historical films which succeeded in balancing these two proportions have tasted v...Continue reading
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