'Telisinavaallu' is an upcoming dark thriller produced by Syringe Cinema. Director Viplove Koneti is making this "genre-bending movie" as a family drama and mystery. As the teaser begins, we see t...Continue reading
Team 'Andhhagadu' has been speeding up the promotions as the release date is nearing. The hilarious theatrical trailer and songs have already created interest and the team is upbeat about the film....Continue reading
She became popular with the film 'Kumari 21F'. Hebbah Patel was a part of many good films in Tollywood. Then her craze dimmed. Recently she was in news because of a rumour that she will make a wild...Continue reading
Multi-talented and energetic young actor Raj Tarun turns just 25 today. But he has already proved to be an actor with great potential and a star material with back to back hits. Riding high o...Continue reading
'Odela Railway Station' started streaming on Aha on August 26. As per the makers of the film, the crime thriller is a big hit on OTT. Speaking at an event held today, writer Sampath Nandi and prod...Continue reading
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