'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is the title of an upcoming movie to be helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is frontin...Continue reading
'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is the title of an upcoming movie helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is fronting it. ...Continue reading
'Sasana Sabha' is an upcoming political film that is going pan-India. Starring Indra Sena as its main lead, the film has senior artist Rajendra Prasad in the role of an honest and true politician. ...Continue reading
Raj Tarun and Hebah Patel will be pairing up again for the third time. The duo acted in ‘Kumari 21F’ and ‘Eedo Rakam Aado Rakam’. Both the movies were a hit and now the hit pair will be acting once...Continue reading
'Geetha' is directed by Vishwa, who is a disciple of the sensational director VV Vinayak. Produced by R Rachaiah of Grand Movies, the film comes with the caption 'Mute Witness'. Starring Hebah Pat...Continue reading
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