'Telisinavaallu' is an upcoming dark thriller produced by Syringe Cinema. Director Viplove Koneti is making this "genre-bending movie" as a family drama and mystery. As the teaser begins, we see t...Continue reading
'Odela Railway Station' started streaming on Aha on August 26. As per the makers of the film, the crime thriller is a big hit on OTT. Speaking at an event held today, writer Sampath Nandi and prod...Continue reading
Beauty queen Heba Patel, paired with young hero Naga Anvesh for the upcoming project "Angel". Earlier Naga Anvesh, try to entertain the audience with his debut film Vinavayya Ramayya, Now in this S...Continue reading
'Dhoom Dhaam', starring Chetan Krishna and Hebah Patel as a romantic pair, will be released in theatres on November 8. Its hilarious trailer is out. The film seems to be a joint venture between th...Continue reading
'Geetha' is directed by Vishwa, who is a disciple of the sensational director VV Vinayak. Produced by R Rachaiah of Grand Movies, the film comes with the caption 'Mute Witness'. Starring Hebah Pat...Continue reading
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