Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer Tamil science fiction thriller ‘Mayavan’, is being brought to the Telugu audience as ‘Project Z’ by SK Kareemunnis...Continue reading
'Puli-Meka' is the title of an upcoming Zee5 web series starring Lavanya Tripathi as an IPS officer, Aadi Saikumar, and the Raja Chembolu-Siri Hanmanth duo in key roles. Directed by K Chakravarthy ...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati is a Brahmin. The Lok Sabha Speaker spoke in favour of Brahmins. He was speaking in an outreach programme and he linked Brahmin status in the Hindu society to a mythological event r...Continue reading
In 'Happy Birthday', whose teaser is out, Lavanya Tripathi plays a trigger-happy girl who hosts a gun-themed birthday party. Only those with a gun can get an entry into the bash. She is certainly p...Continue reading
Rumors circulated recently suggested that Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi are set to get engaged on June 9. However, for approximately a week, neither of them made any comments or statements regardi...Continue reading
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