Tamil science fiction thriller ‘Mayavan’ that features Sundeep Kishan and Lavanya Tripathi in lead roles, is being brought to the Telugu audience by SK Basheed on SBK Films Corporation ...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna has become real Pongal king of this season at USA Box-office. It just started with a $50,000 premiere shows and with unanimous mouth talk it’s heading towards a blockbuster with very...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati is back in league with the hit film Arjun Suravaram. The film gave a direction to Lavanya's career which was going nowhere. Meanwhile there is a buzz that Lavanya has been signed f...Continue reading
Allu Sirish, who scored success with a different concept film like ‘Kotta Janta’, as hero and Lavanya Tripathi, who stolen everyone’s hearts with scoring consecutive super duper successes, as heroi...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripati's stars are shinning bright. She is has been signing films and is happy about it. Thanks to Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and Soggade Chinni Nayana, Lavanya's career is doing well. She has ...Continue reading
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