Hindi movie 'Yodha' was released in theatres today. Helmed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, the thriller stars Sidharth Malhotra, Raashii Khanna, Disha Patani, Ronit Roy and Tanuj Virwani in lead r...Continue reading
Director Nag Ashwin has been working on the pre-production and production works of 'Project K' simultaneously. On Tuesday, the 'Mahanati' director gave an interesting update. The filmmaker recentl...Continue reading
Presently her face is hard to miss in the city, no matter where you go chance is her pretty puffed up face will be staring down at you from a hoarding or a promotional kiosk for a major chocolate b...Continue reading
The pre-look poster of Disha Patani from 'Project K' is a pack of surprise. Usually, we have seen the Bollywood actress in modish get-ups in movies and on social media. For a change, we see her in ...Continue reading
"The Battle of Pride and Glory, for the World to Witness. Kanguva's mighty reign storms screens from 14-11-2024 (sic)," the makers of Suriya's magnum opus said today. Yes, the film is heading to th...Continue reading
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