'Kotha Rangula Prapancham' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by '30 Years Industry' Prudhviraj. The comedian has cast his daughter Sreelu as the heroine. The film's teaser was released at ...Continue reading
'Jayaho Ramanuja' tells the story of the 12th Century Hindu philosopher and social reformer. The founder of Vishishtadvaita is being played by actor Lion Sai Venkat. The historical-devotional flic...Continue reading
‘Guruvaram’ starring Rami Reddy in the role of Shirdi Sai Baba is going to get released on the first Thursday of January 2012. ‘Guruvaram’ (Thursday) being the favourite day for Lord Sai Baba, thi...Continue reading
Starring Kranthi Chand, Avitej, Pradeep, Arjun, Koyal Das and Supurna in the lead roles, ‘Chandrullo Unde Kundelu’ is ready for the censor process. Directed by Venkata Reddy Usirika, th...Continue reading
Sun I Productions’ ‘Rajamahal’ starring Suryanath in three different characters alongside six heroines is a romantic love story on horror cum suspense backdrop. So far 60% of talkie has been comp...Continue reading
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