Samantha, who played the lead in the Telugu & Tamil remakes of Kannada hit 'U Turn', is said to have been approached for the Hindi remake as well and the 'Oh Baby' actress has reportedly reject...Continue reading
Victory Venkatesh’s forthcoming racy flick ‘Shadow’, directed by Meher Ramesh featuring an ensemble cast of Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee, Madhurima, Aditya Pancholi, Nagababu, M S Narayana, Jayapra...Continue reading
Here is a dance still of Venkates and Taapsee from the movie ‘Shadow’ being directed by Mehar Ramesh. With soundtrack from Thaman, the audio is expected to be launched in early March. This pic ...Continue reading
Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee starrer ‘Shadow’ has recently completed its shooting schedule in Switzerland. Two songs were canned on Venkatesh and Taapsee for which Raju Sundaram was the choreograp...Continue reading
A lot of actors and actresses bag roles in movies because someone recommends their name to the director/producer. This is not necessarily wrong or inferior unless the person in question is being ca...Continue reading
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