Madhavan and Anushka are paired for the upcoming film under the direction of Kona Venkat. The film touted to be a silent thriller and is titled as ‘Silent’ under People Media Factory di...Continue reading
‘Rudramadevi’ audio will be launched at two public functions on March 21, on the auspicious occasion of Ugadi, at 7 pm at MGM Park Beach in Vizag and on March 22, at 7 pm at Fort Warangal area in W...Continue reading
Rumours about Anushka Shetty's love life refuses to die down. Initially it was said that Anushka Shetty is dating Prabhas. The actress remained silent and maintained that he is a good friend. Post...Continue reading
Producer Prasad V Potluri is bringing Anushka-Arya starer ‘Varna’ to the Telugu screens tomorrow. Produced under PVP banner, this Selva Raghavan’s prestigious directorial venture which was made wi...Continue reading
Weight is probably the biggest woe in Anushka Shetty’s life. The actress is unable to lose weight and this in turn has caused a big headache to her. She has tried all possible methods to drop...Continue reading
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