The trailer of 'Nishabdham' was unveiled on Monday afternoon by Rana Daggubati. The Tamil version's trailer (the film is titled 'Silence' in Tamil) was unveiled by Vijay Sethupathi. Revolving arou...Continue reading
Baahubali is shooting at a brisk pace. The first part of Baahubali left an unanswered question which was, “why did Kattappa kill Baahubali?”. The answer to this question has been filmed at the RFC ...Continue reading
After terrifying movie buffs with spine-chilling teaser, makers of Bhagamathie have released theatrical trailer today. Apparently, Bhaagamathie is not just another horror thriller; the film has a s...Continue reading
Anushka Shetty starrer Arundathi will now be remade in Bollywood ten years after its release. Kareena Kapoor will be essaying the role which was done by Anushka Shetty. Arundathi was a horror film...Continue reading
The makers of ‘Singam 3’ have officially announced the worldwide release date. The filmmakers say that this highly anticipated film will be released in Tamil and Telugu on January 26, 2...Continue reading
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