Prince Mahesh Babu released the trailer of PVP' s much anticipated Kshanam today. Here is Adah Sharma' s shocking first look from the film. The curiosity around the film is very high and apparen...Continue reading
It's only a matter of few days that our next film, S/O Satyamurthy will be hitting screens worldwide and I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love you've showered upon us and our team. We're delight...Continue reading
Adah Sharma hands down stole focus on the red carpet on day 1 of IIFA Utsavam 2017 where she wore her mother's traditional kanjivaram silk saree that made heads turn. Adah's innocence was standing ...Continue reading
We all know that how successful film was ‘Prema Sagaram’ directed by T Rajender in the year 1983. The flavour is still grabbing youth’s hearts. In the same way Simbhu starrer &lsq...Continue reading
'The Kerala Story' has been boycotted in Tamil Nadu and banned in West Bengal. In TN, exhibitors pulled out of the movie voluntarily. They believed that protests might go out of control, damaging p...Continue reading
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