NOTA starring Vijay Deverakonda in the lead has been censored. The Censor Board has given a UA certificate to the film. News is that the film did have some glitch when getting clearance. Some dialo...Continue reading
The team of ‘F2 - Fun and Frustration’, who has flown off to Prague for a two-week-long schedule, has wrapped up the schedule. The team will return to the city and after a small break, ...Continue reading
Recently a lot of reports and rumors about actress Mehreen Kaur Pirzada have been making rounds on social media regarding the USA officials questioning Mehreen Kaur regarding the prostitution racke...Continue reading
Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is back to silver screen with the film ‘Raja The Great’. The shooting of the film has commenced today. The latest update on Ravi Teja's films is that ‘Ra...Continue reading
Actress Mehreen Pirzada has opted for egg freezing, which is the process of freezing one or more unfertilized eggs to save them for future use. "The eggs are thawed and fertilized in the laboratory...Continue reading
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