'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is the title of an upcoming movie helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is fronting it. ...Continue reading
The teaser of ’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles was released recently by actress Ileana D’Cruz on social media on the occasion of International Kis...Continue reading
'Andhhagadu' has undergone the censor scrutiny and the U/A certified film is all set for a big release on 2nd June. The film has created intrigue among the audiences as Raj Tarun is playing a blind...Continue reading
Raj Tarun, Hebah Patel and Malvika Nair's 'Orey Bujjiga' has got its release date. As has been speculated, it will stream on Aha. And the release date is October 2. "After films like 'Bhanumathi &...Continue reading
‘Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriend’, the film staring Hebah patel is slowly gathering momentum. The title has perked interest. Directed by Bhaskar Bandi a former associate of VV Vinayak, this film is produc...Continue reading
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