Mega Prince Varun Tej’s new film under the popular production house of Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra has been titled as Tholiprema. Raashi Khanna is leading lady in the film directed by debuta...Continue reading
The much awaited ‘Raja The Great’ that starred Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja, has completed all formalities including censor. The film has received U/A certificate without any cuts. Now, the f...Continue reading
Come June 12, a grand event will be held in Kurnool to ring in the audio of 'Pakka Commercial'. At the event, the commercial entertainer's fun-filled trailer is going to be released by the makers o...Continue reading
NTR starrer Jai Lava Kusa has resumes its shooting today. The first schedule got over recently and the unit had taken a break before the second schedule. Now the latest news is that the new schedul...Continue reading
Raashi Khanna has mastered the Telugu language. She is able to converse in this language very well. The actress has learnt the language and is saying her dialogues. She has started dubbing for her ...Continue reading
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