'Mishan Impossible', a comedy caper headlined by Taapsee Pannu, is directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya' fame. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the film is already on the floor...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu shot to fame with 'Pink' and 'Naam Shabana'. The actress has tasted commercial success with the most recently released 'Judwaa 2'. She has announced that she has arrived in Bollywood ...Continue reading
Taapsee stunned everyone with her performance in Bollywood flick Pink. Though she played such intense characters she does not negate the songs in Bollywood and South film industry, which showcases ...Continue reading
Hemanth Madhukar who recently directed ‘Vastadu Naa Raju’ featuring Vishnu and Taapsee in the lead is now venturing into a Bollywood flick titled ‘Mumbai 125 KM’ in 3 D format with high technical a...Continue reading
In her recent visit to Hyderabad, actress Taapsee Pannu opened up about her latest film, Naam Shabana, in which she co-stars with Akshay Kumar, Manoj Bajpayee, Prithiviraj and several others. Dir...Continue reading
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