‘Odela RailwayStation’, produced by KK Radha Mohan of Sri Sathya Sai Arts, is written by Sampath Nandi. Directed by debutant Ashok Teja, Vasishta Simha is its hero. A crime thriller, th...Continue reading
'Jawan', starring Shah Rukh Khan and directed by Atlee, is slated to hit the cinemas on September 7 in Hindi, Telugu and other languages. The film's musical promotions are on. A song titled 'Dhumm...Continue reading
With 'Chandee' movie, Priyamani also changed her root entirely different towards heroine centric track. After listening to Chandee movie subject she immediatly attracted to it, and said ok to th...Continue reading
After Rana Dagguati's 'Virata Parvam' and Venkatesh's 'Narappa', Priyamani has bagged one more important film. 'Cyanide', a raw and realistic film based on the life of the notorious criminal Cyanid...Continue reading
‘Thikka’ is a Telugu/Kannada film which has reached the final leg of shooting with just a song and two days of talkie part left for shooting. The film stars Srihari, Krishna (Kitti), Priyamani...Continue reading
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