Samantha Akkineni has launched the action-packed teaser of Naga Shaurya's 'Ashwathama'. Naga Shaurya himself has penned the story for this movie, produced by his mother Usha Mulpuri under Ira Creat...Continue reading
Rashmika Mandanna is doing two female-centric films currently. One is 'Rainbow', a Telugu-Tamil bilingual. The other one is 'The Girlfriend', directed by Rahul Ravindran and presented by Allu Aravi...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya and Samantha starrer ‘Autonagar Surya’ is presently being shot in Hyderabad for which a special set was erected. It’s learnt that the shooting of the climax part is taking place in ...Continue reading
Madhuriam Narla, a renowned danseuse, specializes in Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi. She has popularized the dance forms in various countries, making India proud. The internationally recognized dancer...Continue reading
Brahmotsavam is all set to hit theatres. Just a day away from release the film is all geared up for a massive release. Here is a tit bit about the film. As we all know this film has three leading l...Continue reading
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