Ileana, who had recently made her Bollywood debut with ‘Barfi’, has received a lot of critical praise for her debut effort. Her acting had received praise from Super star Amitabh Bachchan, Karan Jo...Continue reading
Ileana battled depression. The actress has come out in open and spoken about it. In the beginning of her career she also suffered from body dysmorphic disorder. The actress posted a picture of hers...Continue reading
Ravi Teja's film Amar Akbar Antony was to release on October. But the film has been postponed for now. Reason being that the business of the film is not complete. Since both the director and the ac...Continue reading
Curvaceous beauty Ileana, who appeared very thin in both her recently released films ‘Julai’ and ‘Devudu Chesina Manushulu’, realized that she is no more attractive to the audiences, hence decid...Continue reading
Ileana, who is now shuttling between south and west is a much sought after face. But things don’t come that easy. The sought after actress who was on a signing spree also signed the extremity cal...Continue reading
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