‘Rey’, the Musical love story of Sai Dharam Tej is all set to arrive theaters in February. Written, director and produced by YVS Chowdary, the film also introduces Bollywood veteran actress Shaban...Continue reading
'Arrtham' stars Mahendra and Shraddha Das in the lead. Directed by Manikanth Thalaguti, its teaser was released today. Speaking at the film's teaser launch event, Shraddha Das said that 'Arrtham' ...Continue reading
YVS Chowdary’s ‘Rey’ team is back in India after the long shooting schedule in the US. ‘Rey’ is the maiden film of Sai Dharam Tej (Chiranjeevi’s nephew) which is mainly shot in the US. The story ...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M', the super hit action-thriller starring Rajasekhar and directed by Praveen Sattaru, has turned out to be a bigger hit in the US than even 'Raju Gari Gadhi 2' and 'Vunnadi ...Continue reading
Shraddha Das is currently busy with Vinayan’s Malayalam film ‘Dracula 3D’ which is being produced by Meruva Subbareddy under Colours And Claps Entertainments banner. The film also features Monal G...Continue reading
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