'Mishan Impossible', a comedy caper headlined by Taapsee Pannu, is directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya' fame. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the film will hit the cinemas on...Continue reading
Bigg Boss is a Telugu reality show, aired on Star Maa. Jr. NTR hosting this show. It has become one of the most watched shows of the small screen and to keep the audience hooked, the makers are int...Continue reading
Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna’s ‘Gundello Godari’ is an upcoming bilingual film directed by Kumar Nagendra on Manchu Entertainment banner. The film which is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil...Continue reading
'Shadow' is the forthcoming action flick of Victory Venkatesh which is being directed by Meher Ramesh under A United Movies Production banner. Paruchuri Kireeti is the producer. Latest buzz is that...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu’s comedy-horror ‘Anando Brahma’ which was released on August 18 has turned out hit at box office and won many appreciations. The film not just impressed movie buffs ...Continue reading
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