Lavanya Tripathi has approached cyber crime police and filed a complaint against one Sriramoju Sunisith, fondly called as Sacrificing Star, Sodhi star etc. The 'Arjun Suravaram' actress was apparen...Continue reading
Varun Tej starrer 'Antariksham' was censored today. The film was given a U certificate with no cuts. Directed by Sankalp Reddy this film is having Lavanya Tripathi and Aditi Rao as its leading wome...Continue reading
Raksha Bandan treat for Chay fans. The first single ‘Enno Enno Bhaavale’ from the much hyped entertainer ‘Yuddham Sharanam’ starring Naga Chaitanya and Lavanya Tripathi, wil...Continue reading
It’s a war between Varun Tej and Sharwanand. Their films will be releasing on the same day. Both the actors are promoting their films well. Varun Tej's film Antariksham has created good inte...Continue reading
Mega Prince Varun Tej has teamed up with director Sankalp Reddy of ‘Ghazi’ fame for a space drama. The shooting of the film has so far wrapped up two schedules and the next would begin ...Continue reading
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